「高海千歌/エピソード/EN/Episode 10 The Thing I Truly Love」:修訂間差異


於 2022年9月6日 (二) 22:01 的最新修訂

Char text
101_c.png Chika *Giggle* 1
player_c.png Player Sounds like somebody's in a good mood.
102_c.png Riko She's been grinning ear to ear ever since she finished her solo live show. 2
101_c.png Chika Well, I mean, it was a huge success! Right? 3 +
player_c.png Player It sure was. Everyone was having a blast, so I'd say you really nailed it out there.
105_c.png You I was just itchin' to get up and dance down with the audience too... If I hadn't been careful, I might have unconsciously rushed the stage! 4
102_c.png Riko I feel that. You made my heart skip a beat too. It really helped me remember just how emotional an experience live shows can be for the audience. 5
102_c.png Riko And it certainly helped liven things up even more when the locals found out about it and started to pop in partway through. 6
player_c.png Player There are videos of it up online, so I guess someone was recording it. I saw lots of comments saying they wanted to stay at your inn.
101_c.png Chika *Giggle* Actually, we've had a huge influx of guests at our ryokan inn ever since the show. They're all like, this is where Chika Takami put on her live show! 7
player_c.png Player Really? Sounds like all our advertising paid off perfectly, then. That's one goal down!
101_c.png Chika Yeah! Shima and Mito were both saying it's gotten really busy, but in a good way! 8
101_c.png Chika And as a reward for bringing in more guests, my family is going to up my allowance for three whole months! 9
105_c.png You Wow! Congrats, Chika! 10
102_c.png Riko Only three months...? 11
player_c.png Player So what about your most important goal, Chika?
101_c.png Chika My what now? 12
player_c.png Player Well, there had to have been a reason you wanted to put on a solo live show in the first place, right?
105_c.png You Oh, right! What was it like to put on a live show all by yourself? 13
101_c.png Chika It was sooo much fun! I was so worried and scared before it started, and singing and performing all alone felt a little weird. 14
101_c.png Chika But it taught me a whole lot too. I learned how far my voice can project when it's just me, and how to put on a good show all by myself. 15
102_c.png Riko So essentially, if you decide to do another solo performance someday, you can do it without too much worry. 16
101_c.png Chika Yeah! But there's one more thing that I learned, too. 17 +
player_c.png Player What is it?
101_c.png Chika Well... It's that I love singing with everyone in Aqours more than anything! 18
101_c.png Chika Performing solo was fun too, and I'd love to do it again, but... 19
101_c.png Chika For me, it's definitely the most fun when all nine of us are singing together. That's what's most exciting to me! That's what makes the world shine brightest to me! 20
aqours_c.png Riko, You Chika! 21
player_c.png Player You wouldn't be much of a leader if you didn't love your group. This solo performance has helped you become an even better leader too, Chika!
101_c.png Chika Yeah! I love Aqours, and I'm gonna do my best for all of us from here on out! 22