「高海千歌/エピソード/EN/Episode 6 - What's Up?」:修訂間差異

(建立內容為「{| class="wikitable" width="100%" !Char||text |- |{{CHAICON|player}} Player||I wonder if there's any new information on events I haven't seen. I'll just search on…」的新頁面)

於 2021年5月30日 (日) 00:36 的修訂

Char text
player_c.png Player I wonder if there's any new information on events I haven't seen. I'll just search on the web for school idol events and see what I get. +
player_c.png Player Hmm? A video call? Who is it? Oh!
player_c.png Player Good evening, Chika!
101_c.png Chika Good evening! Yay, you picked up! 5
player_c.png Player It's been a while. This is a happy surprise! Usually we just voice call or text. Video calling's a nice change.
101_c.png Chika *Giggle* I surprised myself! My heart was pounding when I pressed the call button. I thought about giving you a normal phone call, but I really wanted to talk face-to-face. 6
player_c.png Player Well, I'm glad I get to see your face while we speak. So, what's up?
101_c.png Chika Oh, nothing in particular. I just thought we could catch up, you know? I was wondering how you've been. Wait, you're not busy, are you? 7 +
player_c.png Player I'm okay to talk. I was checking out the latest event info right before you called, looking for upcoming events that'd be a good fit for the Nijigasaki girls.
101_c.png Chika Ooh, events! I bet there are more events in Tokyo than you can shake a light stick at! 8
player_c.png Player Yup. Oh, jackpot! An event looking for performers! I'll talk to everyone about it tomorrow. So, how about you all? Does Aqours have plans to appear in any upcoming events?
101_c.png Chika Nope, nothing right at the moment for us. There were a few really cool events on the radar, but, well... 9
101_c.png Chika We couldn't quite get everyone's schedules to align, so we had to pass on them. 10
player_c.png Player That stinks. Dia's on the student council, Mari's the chairwoman, and You's on the swim team, right? It must be hard getting all nine of your schedules to line up.
101_c.png Chika Right. But since we've got this time to rest and recharge, we're using it to compose songs and think up new dances! 11 +
101_c.png Chika Plus, we're doing study sessions for the members who tend to fall behind on their studies because of live shows and practices. Gotta get our grades back up while we can. 12
player_c.png Player *Chuckle* I bet Aqours will be more powered-up than ever the next time I see you all. Clearly, we can't afford to slack off!
101_c.png Chika Now that you mention it, the Nijigasaki girls all perform solo instead of as a group, right? 13
player_c.png Player Right. They were apparently planning to work as a group when the club was first founded, but now solo performances are the default.
101_c.png Chika Wow, performing solo... So does that mean when they perform at events, all nine of them aren't necessarily there? 14
player_c.png Player That's right. Sometimes all of them appear at the same event, other times it's only one. I spend a lot of time checking on event dates and discussing them with the girls.
player_c.png Player But apparently, they all do their own research, too! Sometimes one of them will grab me and show me an event she wants to sign up for.
101_c.png Chika Wow, neat. But they all sing and dance on their own, right? I wonder what that feels like. 15
Are you interested in going solo?
player_c.png Player Are you interested in going solo?
101_c.png Chika Hmm... Maybe a bit. I've never done it before, so I can't help but be a little curious. 16 +
Does Aqours always perform as a group, no matter what?
player_c.png Player Does Aqours always perform as a group, no matter what? You've never had solo appearances?
101_c.png Chika Nope. Sometimes we'll split off into groups of two or three to sing, but never solo. 17 +
player_c.png Player I suppose you don't really get many opportunities to perform on your own when you've organized yourselves as one big group.
player_c.png Player But hypothetically, say someone was going to ask for one member of Aqours to sing as a solo act. It would fall on you, right?
101_c.png Chika What?! Me? Why? 18
player_c.png Player Because you're the leader, Chika. I figure they'd totally pick you to be the face of the group.
101_c.png Chika The face of the group? R-Really? Could I actually pull that off? 19