「桜内梨子/エピソード/EN/Episode 1 At the Concert Hall」:修訂間差異

(建立內容為「{| class="wikitable" width="100%" !Char||text |- |{{CHAICON|player}} Player||Where should I go on my walk today... |- |{{CHAICON|player}} Player||(Hm? What's this…」的新頁面)

於 2021年6月3日 (四) 00:10 的修訂

Char text
player_c.png Player Where should I go on my walk today...
player_c.png Player (Hm? What's this big building? A...concert hall?)
player_c.png Player (Huh. There's a piano concert today. I wonder who's playing? Can I even buy a ticket right now?)
player_c.png Player (Whoa, I know I'm kind of late, but there are so many people here. Let's see, where's my seat?)
player_c.png Player Excuse me, can I get by?
102_c.png Riko Oh, sure. 2
player_c.png Player Thank y--huh?
102_c.png Riko Wait, what?! 4
player_c.png Player Riko? What are you doing here?
102_c.png Riko I should ask you the same thing. I didn't know you enjoyed concerts like this. 5
player_c.png Player I just saw a poster as I was walking by, and...
102_c.png Riko Is that so? Your seat is next to mine. What an incredible coincidence. 6
player_c.png Player Riko, do you come to concerts like this often?
102_c.png Riko Sometimes when I was in Tokyo, yeah. 7
player_c.png Player Oh yeah, you also practiced piano, right? You probably played recitals in front of people sometimes, didn't you?
102_c.png Riko Yes. My teacher suggested I do so numerous times. I was so nervous back then. 8
player_c.png Player So you get nervous too.
102_c.png Riko Of course I do. It felt like my heart might burst as I waited in the back room, listening to everyone's amazing skill. 9
102_c.png Riko I'd imagine terrible things like no one clapping because I made a big mistake while playing. 10 +
102_c.png Riko My arms and legs were shaking so badly at my first piano recital. 11
player_c.png Player Whoa. I know how you feel, though. You get butterflies in your stomach while you wait your turn.
102_c.png Riko It's strange, though. Once I get in the spotlight, my nerves melt away and I can relax. 12
102_c.png Riko I feel like I just have to do it, because I'm already here, you know? 13
player_c.png Player Like you're totally ready for what comes next?
102_c.png Riko Yeah, like that. The fun of playing helps get rid of any stress I have from being on stage, too. 14
player_c.png Player I see... Now I know why you always look so confident on stage.
102_c.png Riko What do you mean? When I'm on stage with Aqours? I'm not that confident! 15 +
player_c.png Player You don't think so? You dance and express yourself so well, though.
player_c.png Player You normally seem so reserved, so it surprised me. I guess you steeled your nerves back when you played piano.
102_c.png Riko You're starting to make me seem like some sort of strange spectacle! 16