「高海千歌/エピソード/EN/Episode 4 A Special Talent」:修訂間差異


於 2022年9月6日 (二) 22:01 的最新修訂

Char text
player_c.png Player (The pages are filled black with keywords. There's more than one person's handwriting here, too. The other members write in it as well!)
player_c.png Player So this is how Aqours' songs are written.
101_c.png Chika Ahaha... Sorry it's so messy. 2
player_c.png Player It's no big deal. I always write all over the paper when I start to get writer's block.
101_c.png Chika I wish I could write more fluidly! It'd be nice to say just once that the ideas were flowing through me. 3
101_c.png Chika I don't have that kind of talent, though. I'm just normal! I always fret over it and make everyone wait until the last second. 4
101_c.png Chika I was the one that suggested we form Aqours, so I wish I could at least write without causing everyone trouble. 5
101_c.png Chika I haven't had much success with that, though. 6
player_c.png Player Chika...
101_c.png Chika But still... I want to write good songs for Aqours. I want to write the words that will bring out the best in us. 7
101_c.png Chika If I don't have the natural talent, then I'll just have to think and write and think and write...and spend lots of time doing it! 8
101_c.png Chika ... 9
101_c.png Chika Ah... Ahahaha! This is how I always try my best to write lyrics. 10
101_c.png Chika But in the end, I'm always too slow and Riko rushes me, then everyone else helps me with it. 11
player_c.png Player Chika. I don't think you're just normal.
101_c.png Chika What? No, I really am. 12
player_c.png Player I feel like just writing one song takes so much energy.
player_c.png Player You don't just write what's in your heart, but you make sure it gets to your listener's. Not everyone can do that.
player_c.png Player Worrying about it and suffering through to the end to write your lyrics makes them special!
101_c.png Chika That makes them special... 14
player_c.png Player I can tell just by looking at this notebook how much effort, love, and hope was put into your songs.
player_c.png Player The passion you put into Aqours is practically overflowing from the lyrics!
player_c.png Player That's why Aqours' songs resound in people's hearts. That's why you guys shine so brightly when you sing them, too.
101_c.png Chika *Chuckle* You embarrass me when you put it like that. 15 +
player_c.png Player I'm serious though! It may seem a little pretentious, but I really mean it! Thanks for letting me take a look!
101_c.png Chika You're welcome. I know you're being serious, too. You're not the kind of person that would lie. 16
101_c.png Chika I always try my best to write songs, but hearing you say that takes a burden off my shoulders. 17
101_c.png Chika I'm so happy that my songs help everyone in Aqours shine. 18 +
player_c.png Player Yeah, and it's not just me. I'm sure lots of people get strength from you and Aqours.
101_c.png Chika Thanks. 19