「桜内梨子/エピソード/EN/Episode 9 A Late-Night Chat」:修訂間差異


於 2022年9月6日 (二) 22:19 的最新修訂

Char text
player_c.png Player What kind of song should I write for Ayumu this time? I wonder what Riko would do...
player_c.png Player Oh, I'm getting a call!
player_c.png Player Hello?
102_c.png Riko Hi! 4
player_c.png Player Oh, Riko?
102_c.png Riko Yes. What is it? You sound so surprised. 5
player_c.png Player Well, I was actually just thinking about you.
102_c.png Riko Huh? Really? Why? 6
player_c.png Player The Nijigasaki idols have an event coming up. I'm in the middle of writing songs for that right now and I was wondering what kind of songs you would come up with.
102_c.png Riko I see. Oh, is this a bad time then? 7
player_c.png Player No, no, not at all! What's going on?
102_c.png Riko Well, I was thinking of going to another classical concert. 8
player_c.png Player Your piano teacher's concert?
102_c.png Riko No, not this time. But my teacher is the one who gave me tickets for it because the orchestra performing is very famous. 9 +
102_c.png Riko So, I was wondering if you'd like to go with me. 10
player_c.png Player An orchestra?! I love seeing orchestras perform!
player_c.png Player When I hear all the instruments playing together, it just awakens all my senses. It's like all the excitement in my body is going to explode out of the top of my head!
102_c.png Riko *Chuckle* I'm glad to hear you like them as well. Can I take that as a yes then? It's next Saturday. 11
player_c.png Player O-Oh. I'm sorry. I don't think I can make it that day.
102_c.png Riko Will you be busy preparing for the event? 12
player_c.png Player Yeah. The event isn't until after the concert, but I have to come up with dances and costumes as well as songs, so I don't think I'll have any time to spare.
102_c.png Riko I see. I understand. You have to arrange everything for nine people after all, so I know you're very busy. 13
102_c.png Riko All right. I'll just go to the concert with my mom, then. 14
player_c.png Player I'm sorry. I really appreciate you inviting me.
102_c.png Riko Don't worry about it. Your upcoming event is much more important. 15
102_c.png Riko I'm a little disappointed about the concert, but I'm sure we'll have another opportunity like this one day. Can I invite you again when that time comes? 16
player_c.png Player You bet! We'll definitely go together next time!
102_c.png Riko Good luck composing as well. I'll be rooting for you. If there's anything I can do to help, don't hesitate to call. 17
player_c.png Player Thank you. I'll make sure to create amazing songs for everyone! Have fun at the concert with your mom, Riko.
102_c.png Riko I will, thank you. I'll talk to you later then. 18 +
player_c.png Player Okay. Later!