「黒澤ダイヤ/エピソード/EN/Episode 14 Parade Panic」:修訂間差異


於 2022年9月9日 (五) 00:31 的最新修訂

Char text
104_c.png Dia *Sigh* 1
player_c.png Player Are you all right, Dia? Do you still feel ill?
104_c.png Dia No, I'm much better now. I apologize for worrying you. Imagine, a silly little thrill ride wearing me out to this extent! Pathetic. 2
player_c.png Player I wouldn't worry about it too much. There are lots of people who aren't into thrill rides, you know. I'm really sorry I goaded you on...
104_c.png Dia I was the one who chose to ride that thing. Anyway... While that was a nasty experience, this has turned it into a rather pleasant one. 3
104_c.png Dia I can use today's trials to steel myself for whenever I am next presented with the chance to ride a thrill ride. 4
player_c.png Player If you say so...
104_c.png Dia Now that we've taken this little rest stop, I feel completely refreshed. What ride should we try next? 5
player_c.png Player Good question... We could try a different thrill ride? There's one where the seats spin around, and one that sways up and down like a pendulum...
104_c.png Dia Wha?! W-Wouldn't you say it's better to limit yourself to one thrill ride a day? The whole point is to be thrilled, after all, and if you ride too many the appeal is sure to— 6 +
player_c.png Player *Laugh* I was kidding. It's fine, really. You don't need to refuse so emphatically.
104_c.png Dia I wasn't refusing! I merely wanted to express that we need not continue to ride the same rides... 7
player_c.png Player Yes, I'm sure. As for what to do next... Do you want to watch the parade?
104_c.png Dia The parade? 8
player_c.png Player This theme park has a really flashy parade. It's super popular! According to the pamphlet, it's due to start soon.
104_c.png Dia I would like to see that very much. Where is this parade held? 9
player_c.png Player On Main Street, I think. Let's get going!
104_c.png Dia Here...? 12
player_c.png Player This should be it... There's a lot of people crowded around here, huh?
104_c.png Dia It reminds me of the crowds in Harajuku. 13
player_c.png Player *Laugh* Yeah, I think there's about that many people here! Unfortunately, I don't think we'll have much chance of seeing the parade like this.
104_c.png Dia We might have secured a better viewpoint if we had arrived earlier. I'm sorry, this is all my fault for making us rest for so long... 14 +
player_c.png Player No, it isn't. The parade is gonna be on for a while, so we can try moving somewhere with a better view.
104_c.png Dia That is a good point. It is a popular parade, after all, and I would like to at least catch a good glimpse of it. 15
player_c.png Player All right then! Let's go ahead of the parade to one of its stops.
104_c.png Dia Okay. I do hope we can find a place where the crowds aren't so thick. 16 +
player_c.png Player *Sigh* Wherever we go, there are crowds upon crowds upon crowds. This parade really is popular! I can't find a good spot anywhere.
player_c.png Player Hey, Dia, this is just an idea... What if we didn't watch from Main Street, but found somewhere a bit further out? Maybe somewhere a bit higher...
player_c.png Player ...Dia?
player_c.png Player Huh? What the...? D-Dia's not here! Where'd she go?!