「津島善子/エピソード/EN/Episode 1 A Rare Drop」:修訂間差異


於 2022年9月9日 (五) 00:39 的最新修訂

Char text
player_c.png Player (I couldn't help myself when I saw that snack at the convenience store. I can't wait to eat it.)
player_c.png Player Hm? What's that? It's shining.
player_c.png Player Whoa, is that a pendant?
player_c.png Player (What an incredible design. A silver sword and...a bat? Or a dragon? I'm not sure, but there's an animal and chain twisted around it.)
106_c.png Yoshiko U-Um... 1
player_c.png Player (The inset stone is pretty, too. It's weird, though, like a reptilian eye. It's like something a comic book villain would have.)
106_c.png Yoshiko Umm... 2 +
player_c.png Player (Did someone lose it? I should bring it to the police station.)
106_c.png Yoshiko Excuse me! That keychain! 3
player_c.png Player Wh-What?!
106_c.png Yoshiko Whoa?! It was you?! I was nervous because I thought it was someone I didn't know! 5
player_c.png Player Yoshiko! I'm sorry. I was lost in thought.
player_c.png Player Did you say something about a keychain?
106_c.png Yoshiko Oh, y-yes! That thing you're holding is a magical item made to seal the powers of darkness. It is too powerful for humans to wield. Hand it over. 6
player_c.png Player This weird thing is yours? So it's a keychain, huh?
106_c.png Yoshiko It's not weird, and I'm NOT Yoshiko! 7
106_c.png Yoshiko I ordered it on the net and it finally came today, so I put it on my bag! 8
106_c.png Yoshiko Then when I got home, I found only the ring was left! I ran all the way back here to find it! 9
player_c.png Player I see. Here you go. I'm glad I found it.
106_c.png Yoshiko ...Thanks. 10
106_c.png Yoshiko Ugh. I don't think this will attach to my bag anymore. 11
player_c.png Player Why not?
106_c.png Yoshiko It was a hook keychain, but the ring you hook it on must have broken off somewhere. 12
player_c.png Player Yeah, it does look like it has a part that hooks to something.
106_c.png Yoshiko I was planning on imbuing it with the magical power of Yohane to create my very own relic! 13
106_c.png Yoshiko It must have been those blasted angels who broke it, fearing my power would grow too strong! Ugh, it was pretty expensive, too. 14 +
player_c.png Player A magical item, huh? It really looks like that. Yoshiko, is the only part missing the ring that attaches to it?
106_c.png Yoshiko Yeah... 15
player_c.png Player Then just buy that piece and fix it. I think you can buy it in a hobby shop or a 100 yen store.
106_c.png Yoshiko R-Really? You can fix it? 16
player_c.png Player Maybe. Let's go check it out.
106_c.png Yoshiko Okay, let's go! 17