津島善子/エピソード/EN/Episode 22 Summoning More Little Demons

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player_c.png Player So basically, I think we should have these two co-star in this video!
203_c.png Shizuku We'll try to be of help! 1
005_c.png Rin Yaaay! I haven't seen you in ages, Yoshiko! I'm so happy! 2 +
106_c.png Yoshiko Good, good. That was an excellent greeting brimming with magic. I have great expectations for you, my little demons of Nijigasaki and Otonokizaka. 3
106_c.png Yoshiko So, why these two? 4
I picked their names out of a hat.
player_c.png Player I couldn't choose who to bring because any of them would make this fun, so I drew names out of a hat and got these two.
106_c.png Yoshiko Don't make such an important casting decision like that! 5
I thought it'd be easier to have your co-stars be in the same grade.
player_c.png Player I thought it'd be easier to have your co-stars be in the same grade. Plus, Rin could make the video more dynamic with her sportiness, and Shizuku's a great actor.
106_c.png Yoshiko So that's why you picked them? I see. 6
203_c.png Shizuku O Lady Yohane, mistress of fate! I offer to you my body and soul in their entirety! I promise to fulfill any and all duties that you present unto me! 7 +
106_c.png Yoshiko Ah, such promise. I look forward to seeing what you can do. 8
player_c.png Player Shizuku slipped into that little demon role right away. I expected no less of her.
005_c.png Rin Yoshiko, I watched a few of your videos! I didn't really get the netherworld and black magic stuff, but I'll do whatever I can to help you! 9
106_c.png Yoshiko The most important thing is to be enthusiastic. I shall reward you appropriately when you produce results. And don't call me Yoshiko. Call me Yohane. 10
005_c.png Rin Ooh, a reward! I can't wait, Mistress Yohane! 11
player_c.png Player Then let's get together right now and discuss what kind of video to make!
106_c.png Yoshiko I, Yohane, will spread my demonic powers to the four corners of the Earth with my videos. It will be inescapable, like a spider's web, and as unassuming as the air we breathe. 13
106_c.png Yoshiko No human will be safe from my grasp! I will strengthen my influence with this new video and solidify my standing in the mortal realm! 14
005_c.png Rin Wow! That sounds impressive! 15
203_c.png Shizuku So bold... So majestic! This is what makes the ultimate fallen angel, Mistress Yohane, so perfect! Strike down the gods, for the day you rule the world is nigh! 16
106_c.png Yoshiko Agh... I'm kinda getting chills... 17 +
player_c.png Player I guess you're not used to receiving such outright praise when you're in Lady-Yohane mode, huh...
106_c.png Yoshiko Shizuku, relax yourself a little more. For this discussion to go smoothly, you must be adequately loosened up. 18
203_c.png Shizuku Really? Okay, I'll go back to normal, then. 19
106_c.png Yoshiko That was quick! 20
player_c.png Player Is there anything you'd like to do for the video? Rin? Shizuku?
005_c.png Rin I wanna play soccer! 22
203_c.png Shizuku S-Soccer...? I'm not very good at ball games... 23 +
005_c.png Rin Then baseball! 24
player_c.png Player That's also a ball game... We don't have enough people anyway.
203_c.png Shizuku Oh, what about a live reading of a story? We could make one about soccer or baseball and read it out loud for everyone. No problems with having enough people for that. 25
005_c.png Rin I also want to review a bunch of ramen restaurants! 26
203_c.png Shizuku A movie day sounds fun too. I have a few that I'd like to watch with everyone. 27
005_c.png Rin We could watch movies and eat ramen at the same time! 28
player_c.png Player Ooh! Chilling at home and eating good food... That sounds like heaven.
106_c.png Yoshiko Hello? We need ideas fit for the fallen angel Yohane's video here! 30