桜内梨子/エピソード/EN/Episode 21 Come and Visit!

於 2022年4月12日 (二) 23:15 由 Inamin留言 | 貢獻 所做的修訂 (建立內容為「{| class="wikitable" width="100%" !width=12%|Char||text |- |{{CHAICON|102}} Riko||...So, Yoshiko asked me to help her because she needed an extra hand. 1 |- |{{CHAICON|player}} Player||Oh, you mean for the video that went up earlier? So, the person in the black robes who stood behind Yoshiko really was you then, Riko. |- |{{CHAICON|102}} Riko||Huh? You knew it was me?! How embarrassing! I made sure that I was wearing a mask and had my hood covering my face a…」的新頁面)
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102_c.png Riko ...So, Yoshiko asked me to help her because she needed an extra hand. 1
player_c.png Player Oh, you mean for the video that went up earlier? So, the person in the black robes who stood behind Yoshiko really was you then, Riko.
102_c.png Riko Huh? You knew it was me?! How embarrassing! I made sure that I was wearing a mask and had my hood covering my face and everything... 2 +
player_c.png Player *Chuckle* You went through a lot of trouble for it, huh?
102_c.png Riko This isn't the time to laugh at me! That means anyone could watch it and tell it was me! 3 +
102_c.png Riko Oh, speaking of going through some trouble... Mari said that she wanted to have some time to refresh and relax since we've been practicing so much. 4
102_c.png Riko She invited all of Aqours to her family's party that night...in Kyoto, of all places. 5
player_c.png Player A party to refresh and relax?! That's a little abrupt, isn't it? Though I guess Mari's parties are usually pretty extravagant affairs.
102_c.png Riko Yeah. It was held at a well-known, historic ryokan inn and, we all stayed over after the party as well. We went sightseeing with everyone the next day before we headed home. 6
player_c.png Player Wow, what can I say? Sounds like you had a great time, Riko.
102_c.png Riko *Laugh* It was totally unexpected, but I figured it would have been a wasted opportunity if I didn't let loose a little. 7
102_c.png Riko Oh, speaking of waste... Chika totally didn't realize that the mikan juice she's been obsessed with recently has gone on sale at her local supermarket. 8 +
102_c.png Riko She ended up buying some for way more money at a different supermarket, then she came crying to me about it. 9
That's happened to me before too.
player_c.png Player I get it. I've done the same myself. When I went to pick up trimmings for the clubroom, I had no idea that a different store had a sale at the time. I totally missed out...
102_c.png Riko *Chuckle* What a pity. 10
That's worth crying about!
player_c.png Player *Chuckle* That's worth crying about! Tell her that I'm sorry to hear it.
102_c.png Riko Will do! 11
player_c.png Player I'm glad that everyone seems to be so happy. I haven't seen you all in a while, so I've been thinking about you a lot.
102_c.png Riko I'm happy to hear that you're doing well too. You should come and visit if you have the time. 13
player_c.png Player Yeah, I really want to... Would it be okay if I maybe did come over?
102_c.png Riko Of course, that sounds wonderful! 14
player_c.png Player Even if I don't have a reason to?
102_c.png Riko No reason? Do you mean like, plans or? 15
player_c.png Player Yeah. When I think back on it, we've always had a reason for me to go to Uchiura. Like to help you through a problem or prepare for the unit live show.
player_c.png Player There was always some kind of thing that needed addressing, you know?
102_c.png Riko Now that you mention it, that sounds about right. I've caused you a lot of trouble when you've been here, haven't I? 16 +
player_c.png Player It's no trouble at all! I'm just really happy that I was always able to help you!
102_c.png Riko *Giggle* Thanks. 17
102_c.png Riko You should come and visit. No troubles necessary. I want you to have fun around town and relax. 18
player_c.png Player Okay! I want to have fun in Uchiura for sure.
102_c.png Riko I'll be your guide when you visit then. Even I, the relative newbie, know a bunch about Uchiura and Numazu now. 19
player_c.png Player Really? I'm looking forward to it. I'll definitely come and visit!
102_c.png Riko I'll be waiting! 20