黒澤ダイヤ/エピソード/EN/Episode 6 - Chance Meeting in Harajuku

於 2021年7月10日 (六) 16:29 由 Inamin留言 | 貢獻 所做的修訂 (建立內容為「{| class="wikitable" width="100%" !width=13%|Char||text |- |{{CHAICON|player}} Player||Woo-hoo, we're in Harajuku! You're the leader today, Ai! |- |{{CHAICON|205}…」的新頁面)
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Char text
player_c.png Player Woo-hoo, we're in Harajuku! You're the leader today, Ai!
205_c.png Ai Sure! Let's hit a bunch of places and have tons of fun! 2 +
player_c.png Player Where should we go first? Huh? Hey, isn't that...
player_c.png Player U-Umm, excuse me?
104_c.png Dia Yes? Can I help... Oh, you two! 5
205_c.png Ai No way! It's Dia! 6
player_c.png Player I knew it! Dia, what're you doing here? You do realize this is Harajuku, right?!
104_c.png Dia Yes, of course, I do! Is it so strange that I would be here? 7
I can't picture you hanging around Harajuku.
player_c.png Player It's not strange. Err, on second thought, it kinda is. I just can't picture you hanging around Harajuku.
104_c.png Dia How rude! Even I come to Harajuku from time to time! 8
It's not that it's strange, but...
player_c.png Player It's not that it's strange, but it's basically inconceivable that you'd be anywhere but in Uchiura.
104_c.png Dia If that's the case, then where exactly do you think the μ's and Aqours joint live show was held?! I've come to Tokyo many times before! 9
205_c.png Ai You're right about that. So, you're really just here today to hang out? 10
104_c.png Dia No, I'm not here for leisure. I was invited to a live performance by my koto teacher. I was just on my way home. 11
player_c.png Player Ah, so that's why. That makes sense. You're just gonna head straight back to Uchiura, then?
104_c.png Dia That was my intention. 12
player_c.png Player Aww, that's a shame, especially since we bumped into each other.
205_c.png Ai Hold up, Dia! If you're just going home because you've got nothing better to do, why don't you stay here in Harajuku and hang out with us instead? 13 +
player_c.png Player That's a great idea! Let's check out some of the shops and grab something to eat.
104_c.png Dia Me? Hang out? In Harajuku? 14
player_c.png Player Yeah! Have you ever hung out here before?
104_c.png Dia Oh, no. I've come here for specific reasons and events, like today, but I've never made the trip just to wander around before. 15 +
104_c.png Dia It's always overflowing with people, and the whole town has such a gaudy atmosphere to it. It all feels rather...frivolous would be the word, I suppose. 16
205_c.png Ai *Laugh* You're right, it is always crowded! But there are quiet places in Harajuku, too. Step off the main drag and onto a side street, and the atmosphere completely changes. 17
104_c.png Dia It does? 18
player_c.png Player Yup. I've come here a few times now, and I encounter something new every time. I'm sure you'll have even more fun since this is your first experience, Dia!
104_c.png Dia If you both feel that strongly, then it must be fun. Honestly, I have actually wanted to wander around and see what's out here. 19
104_c.png Dia Since Harajuku spearheads the latest trends, I thought coming here to learn about them could give me useful information that would aid our school idol activities. 20
104_c.png Dia And while I know school idols and social trends go hand in hand, I still feel rather nervous about throwing myself into that huge crowd. 21
player_c.png Player All the more reason for us to go together! It won't be scary if you're not alone.
104_c.png Dia Thank you very much. All right, then. I'd love to join you. 22
205_c.png Ai Now we're talking! Time for our trio to enjoy Harajuku to the fullest! 23