高海千歌/エピソード/EN/Episode 11 A Meeting for the School Idol Festival

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Char text
player_c.png Player We're having a meeting with μ's and Aqours for the School Idol Festival today! I'm so excited to see everyone again.
201_c.png Ayumu Me too. I hope they're all doing well. It's been so long, I'm actually getting kind of nervous. 1 +
player_c.png Player Hm? Oh, it's a message from Chika! Looks like Aqours are at the front gate.
203_c.png Shizuku I'll go bring them up. 3
101_c.png Chika Hi there, everybody! 8
player_c.png Player Welcome! That long trip must've been exhausting. Have a seat!
101_c.png Chika Will do. Thank you! It wasn't that bad. I was so excited to see you all, so it went by in no time! 9 +
Hope you found your way here all right!
player_c.png Player Hey there. Hope you found your way here all right!
101_c.png Chika We sure did! We had a map and we had each other! Though we did almost get off at the wrong station. 10 +
104_c.png Dia It's been a while, everyone. 11
205_c.png Ai Yeah, long time no see! Looks like you're all keepin' on keepin' on! 12
106_c.png Yoshiko I hope you've been good while Yohane was away, my Nijigasaki little demons. 13
player_c.png Kasumi So I've been meaning to tell you this, but could you stop calling me a little demon? I'm way too cute to be a demon! 14
106_c.png Yoshiko Worry not, little one. Though you may still be bewitched by the human world, one day you will awaken to the darkness and come to serve me as all do. 15 +
player_c.png Kasumi I don't wanna awaken to some stupid darkness! 16 +
102_c.png Riko It's actually kind of refreshing seeing someone react to her for once. We're all used to it by now. 17 +
103_c.png Kanan Kasumi's as full of energy as ever. And it looks like the rest of you are doing fine too. 18
player_c.png Player Sure are. I haven't seen you all since Chika's solo performance.
207_c.png Setsuna Oh, right! Chika put on a solo concert. I heard it was a huge success! I would have expected no less from the great leader of Aqours! 19
101_c.png Chika Heehee. C'mon, that's not true... Okay, I mean it kinda is, but... Heehee. 20 +
208_c.png Emma You look so happy. I can only imagine how much fun your show was. 21
player_c.png Player Hm? Oh, it's from Honoka! Looks like μ's is here too. I'll go bring 'em all up!
001_c.png Honoka Hi, guys! 23
002_c.png Eli Here we are. It's been a while, hasn't it? 24
005_c.png Rin Yoohoo! Wow, it's the Nijigasaki clubroom! 25
209_c.png Rina Wow, Rin's so hyper. 26
005_c.png Rin It's just so exciting to go to someone else's school! 27
001_c.png Honoka I know, right?! I wanna just poke my nose all over! 28
009_c.png Nico It's not like we haven't been here before. Can't you guys chill for two seconds? All that squealing is gonna result in an image downgrade for μ's! 29
204_c.png Karin Looks like you're all the same as ever too. 30
004_c.png Umi I'm so sorry. I told them not to make too much noise. 31
player_c.png Player Hahaha! Well, I think that's all of us, so let's get this School Idol Festival meeting started!