高海千歌/エピソード/EN/Episode 2 A Home Visit

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Char text
player_c.png Player (It's cloudy today. I didn't even bring an umbrella. I hope it doesn't rain.)
101_c.png Chika Heeeey! 1
player_c.png Player Hey Chika. No mikan today?
101_c.png Chika Nope! *Chuckle* Thanks for yesterday. I can't believe you helped me bring them all the way to my house. 2
player_c.png Player I couldn't let an injured person work like that. I insisted, so don't worry about it.
101_c.png Chika Thanks. Hey, do have some free time after this? 3
player_c.png Player After this? Yeah, I don't really have any plans.
101_c.png Chika Then will you come to my place? We made juice from the mikan oranges yesterday. I wanted to treat you to some as thanks. 4
player_c.png Player As thanks? But I didn't... Huh?
101_c.png Chika Oh, it's starting to rain! Come to my house just to get out of the rain then! 6
player_c.png Player Whoa, Ch-Chika!
101_c.png Chika Come in! 9
D-Don't mind if I do. select_1
player_c.png Player D-Don't mind if I do.
101_c.png Chika Sit wherever. 10
This is a very...colorful room. select_2
player_c.png Player Okay. Whoa, what a colorful room.
101_c.png Chika Oh! Shoot! I overslept today so I didn't have time to clean up! 11
other_c.png Mito Chika! 12
101_c.png Chika Whoa, Mito! Sorry, hold on a second. 13
player_c.png Player Okay.
other_c.png Mito I brought some juice. 15
101_c.png Chika I was just about to go get some though! 16
other_c.png Mito What, I'm not allowed in? Oh, but I'm sure you've been keeping your room clean. 17
other_c.png Mito Your friends won't like you if you bring them into a dirty room. 18
101_c.png Chika I-It's fine! It's not messy! 19
other_c.png Mito Are you sure about that? 20
101_c.png Chika Ugh! Mito, I thought you were going out today! Just leave us alone! 21 +
other_c.png Mito Yeah, yeah. Tell your friend hi for me. 22
101_c.png Chika Ugh. That Mito... 24
player_c.png Player That your sister? You guys seem close.
101_c.png Chika Do we? We argue a lot, actually. Sometimes I just want to make her shut up. 25
player_c.png Player I can't imagine you acting like that.
101_c.png Chika What? Why not? 26 +