桜内梨子/エピソード/EN/Episode 10 Worries in the Night

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Char text
102_c.png Riko Yes, hello? 3
player_c.png Player Oh, um... Good evening. Sorry to call so late.
102_c.png Riko Good evening to you as well. I don't mind. I'm still going to be awake for a bit, so... What's going on? 4
player_c.png Player Oh, uh. I was just wondering what you're up to. We haven't been able to talk much lately.
102_c.png Riko That's true. I've been busy with Aqours stuff, and you were saying you had to get ready for an event too. 5
102_c.png Riko Are you...running into complications? 6
player_c.png Player *Laugh* I can't hide anything from you, can I? I wouldn't say they're complications. It's nothing that serious.
player_c.png Player It's just that usually, I discuss set lists and practice schedules with everyone in the club, but when I have to do it alone... My head just starts spinning.
player_c.png Player I thought if I called you up, hearing your voice would help calm me down, so... Here I am.
102_c.png Riko *Giggle* I see. You're really working hard. If my voice is that soothing to you, I can definitely keep talking. 7
102_c.png Riko I can't run right over or anything, but if my voice does the job, then I'd be happy to keep chatting. Do you want to hear Chika's voice too? 8
player_c.png Player What? Is she with you right now?
102_c.png Riko No, but her house is right next door. Oh, actually, her lights are out, so I think she's already asleep. 9 +
player_c.png Player That's too bad. I'll have to hear her next time, then. So hey, how are Chika and the rest of the Aqours crew, anyway?
102_c.png Riko They're good. Maybe even too good. Oh, but the other day, Yoshiko caught a cold. She seems better now, but she can't come to practice quite yet. 10
player_c.png Player Aw, geez. Here's hoping she'll be back and rarin' to go again soon.
102_c.png Riko Yeah, I hope so too. And Chika's been into this mikan orange tasting thing lately. Apparently, they were doing it on some variety show she saw on TV. 11
player_c.png Player Orange tasting? Like trying out a bunch of different kinds and figuring out which is which?
102_c.png Riko Yep, you got it. She was so convinced she could do a better job, she ran to the store and bought a ton of different ones. Apparently, she used her whole allowance on it. 12
player_c.png Player Huh, I see. Given how much she loves the things, I bet she would be pretty dang good at guessing.
102_c.png Riko She is, actually. It's incredible. Anyway, You was so inspired by it, now she's trying to see if she can guess the names of ships based on the sound of their whistles. 13
player_c.png Player That sounds WAY harder than guessing different kinds of mikan oranges! But considering how much You loves boats...
102_c.png Riko Oh, it's not going well for her. 14
player_c.png Player *Laugh* Well, okay then... It sounds like you're all doing pretty great. I'm so glad to hear it.
102_c.png Riko Did this help you get your mind off things? 15
player_c.png Player It really did. My mind feels so much clearer. Thanks for talking with me, Riko. It's gotten pretty late and I don't want to keep you up, so I'll say goodbye here.
102_c.png Riko Sure. I had fun talking to you too. Good luck with your event preparations. I'm cheering for you. 16 +
player_c.png Player Thank you. Good night.
102_c.png Riko Good night. 17
player_c.png Player I'm gonna do this. I've gotta do it! Everyone's counting on me!