国木田花丸/エピソード/EN/Episode 18 Where the Seam Leads

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103_c.png Kanan Ah. 1
104_c.png Dia Yes? What is it? You sewed the seam crooked again?! That's why I'm always saying that when you're sewing you need to align the fabric properly! 2 +
103_c.png Kanan "Ah," was all I said! And yes, I did sew it a little crooked, but only by a little. See? You can barely tell. 4
104_c.png Dia Hmm...? No, I can tell clear as day. You're off by half a millimeter. 5 +
103_c.png Kanan Perfectionist, much?! 6 +
player_c.png Player D-Dia, I think that tiny amount is fine. Human error and all, right?
107_c.png Hanamaru I'm done! The costume's top is now complete, zura! Can you tell if anything is off? I think I matched the design pretty well. 7
104_c.png Dia Show me. Hmm, I don't see any problems. Your workmanship looks very careful and precise. 8 +
colspan=2 Could we use this as the reference piece?
player_c.png Player You're right. Hanamaru, could we use this as the reference piece for a sec?
107_c.png Hanamaru Huh? You want to make the costumes while looking at mine? I don't think it's that good... I mean, the costumes are good, but... 9 +
colspan=2 What's got you extra motivated?
player_c.png Player You did your best thinking up the designs for the costumes this time, right? Did that get you extra motivated?
107_c.png Hanamaru *Giggle* They're very precious costumes that will help our performance, after all. It'd be rude if I didn't take them seriously, zura. I'm going to go finish off the skirt. 10 +
103_c.png Kanan Hanamaru's gotten a lot more proficient at sewing than before. Her seams are all perfectly even. 11
104_c.png Dia Unlike a certain someone here. 12
103_c.png Kanan I know I went off a little, but it doesn't even make a difference! 13
player_c.png Player Aqours really is amazing. Or should I say AZALEA? Your costuming skills are top-notch too.
107_c.png Hanamaru Aw, no way. I've still got a long way to go, zura. But if you think they're that good, I think I owe it to that one time from before. 14 +
103_c.png Kanan Which time? 15
107_c.png Hanamaru When Shizuku and I both performed in a play for the Theater Club, zura. We also helped make the costumes and props. 16
104_c.png Dia I see. That's where you picked up some new skills. 17
107_c.png Hanamaru Yeah. I guess it's obvious, but we had to make the costumes and props suit the characters in the play, zura. 18 +
107_c.png Hanamaru We put our heart and soul into every piece so the audience and actors could immerse themselves in the story and have fun. 19
103_c.png Kanan That's similar to what we do as school idols. We create our songs and dances with the people who come and see our live shows in mind. 20
104_c.png Dia That's right. Our art forms may be different, but as performers who stand on stage, we all have a few things in common. 21 +
107_c.png Hanamaru That's why we took to the costumes so well it almost shocked me. I really felt like I was living inside the story then. 22
107_c.png Hanamaru My experience with the Theater Club made me realize our live shows aren't just about the songs and dances, zura. The costumes aren't just there for us to wear or look cute in. 23
107_c.png Hanamaru They're an important piece of the live show puzzle, zura. Each and every seam holds the success of the show together. I feel like I understand that better than ever, zura. 24
player_c.png Player Hanamaru...
104_c.png Dia We should all take Hanamaru's feelings to heart as well. 25
103_c.png Kanan Yes. Everything we make for our live shows is valuable. They're all vital in helping us find what makes us shine and showing that light to our audience. 26
107_c.png Hanamaru Dia... Kanan... 27
103_c.png Kanan All right, let's keep pushing onwards. My seams will help bring us closer to a successful live show! 28
104_c.png Dia Make sure you align the fabric properly! 29
103_c.png Kanan I am! See? 30
104_c.png Dia It has to be straighter! 32
player_c.png Player W-Will they be okay...?
107_c.png Hanamaru They'll be okay, zura. Even if the seams are a bit crooked, we've got our sights set straight ahead, zura! 33