国木田花丸/エピソード/EN/Episode 21 Feeling Out of Sorts

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Char text
player_c.png Player Good work with the live show, you two! It was amazing!
208_c.png Emma Thank you. We really tried our best during practice, so I'm glad that you enjoyed it. 1 +
008_c.png Hanayo Hearing you say that makes me want to do my best next time too! 2 +
player_c.png Player So, now that the two of you have finished your live show... It's time! Let's do that congratulatory buffet lunch we've been planning for so long!
other_c.png Hanayo, Emma Woo-hoo! 3 +
208_c.png Emma *Giggle* I've been looking forward to this so much. Let's eat to our heart's content, Hanayo! 5 +
008_c.png Hanayo Okay, Emma! 6
player_c.png Player To your heart's content, you say... Oh, how about inviting Hanamaru along? I heard earlier that Aqours were supposed to be doing a live show too.
008_c.png Hanayo Okay, a congratulatory party for all three of us, then. I want to hang out with Hanamaru! 7 +
208_c.png Emma When's the live show? 8
player_c.png Player Hmm, I don't think they've done it yet. I'll give her a call, that way I can ask her about the buffet too.
player_c.png Player ...She's not answering.
208_c.png Emma She might be busy. There'll be a lot to prepare for ahead of the live show, so she's probably practicing or maybe sorting out the costumes. 10
player_c.png Player Yeah, you're right... I'll send her a message now. +
player_c.png Player Here I am at Uranohoshi... Hanamaru hasn't returned my call or messaged me back. Something must have happened to her.
player_c.png Player Oh, I totally forgot! I haven't checked to see if Hanamaruis still at school! I'll give her a call. Will she answer this time? +
player_c.png Player Huh? Do I hear what I think I hear?
aqours_c.png ??? Y-Yes? Hello? 14
player_c.png Player Hanamaru! +
107_c.png Hanamaru Zuraaa! Wh-What's going on? Why are you... 16
colspan=2 I heard your ringtone.
player_c.png Player I came to see you. Then I decided to give you a call and just happened to hear your ringtone nearby...
107_c.png Hanamaru The call totally spooked me because I was hoping to speak to you too... I'm not dreaming, am I? 17 +
player_c.png Player Nope, this is totally real.
I'm so glad that you're safe.
player_c.png Player H-Hanamaru! I'm so glad that you're safe.
107_c.png Hanamaru S-Safe? Of course I'm safe, nothing's going on... 18 +
107_c.png Hanamaru Oh! S-Sorry! I got your call and message but never responded... 19
107_c.png Hanamaru I was planning to get back to you way sooner, but I couldn't find a spare moment, leading us to this, zura. 20 +
player_c.png Player Don't worry about it. You've got a live show to prepare for! Sorry for intruding when you're so busy.
107_c.png Hanamaru No... That's not... 21 +
player_c.png Player (Hanamaru?)
player_c.png Player When's your live show again, Hanamaru?
107_c.png Hanamaru It's on the Sunday after next, zura. 22
player_c.png Player Oh, that's right. Well, in that case, how about a little outing before your live show? I'm making plans to go for a buffet lunch with Emma and Hanayo.
player_c.png Player I know you're probably busy, but would you like to come with us? We'll work with your schedule.
107_c.png Hanamaru You want me to join you? 23
player_c.png Player Yeah. If you'd like to.
107_c.png Hanamaru ...Thank you. I'd love to come with you, zura! 24 +