
於 2021年5月26日 (三) 02:26 由 Inamin留言 | 貢獻 所做的修訂
1.jpg Episode 1 A Day with Mari While walking around in Tokyo, a foreign tourist asks you for directions and you don't know how to answer. Just then, an unexpected savior arrives!
2.jpg Episode 2 Sightseeing in Tokyo? You tag along with Mari on her sightseeing trip around Tokyo. When you ask where she's going, she only answers with a giggle. You end up at...
3.jpg Episode 3 Thoughts of a Free Spirit It takes everything you have just to keep up with Mari's pace. On top of that, the tourist site she wants to head to isn't exactly typical.
4.jpg Episode 4 In Nijigasaki! Your destination is Nijigasaki High School! You guide Mari through the halls, and run into Nijigasaki school idol Ayumu.
5.jpg Episode 5 Mari's Intention Mari finally decides to head back to Numazu, but before she does you ask her what she was up to, sightseeing in Tokyo. What does she answer?
6.jpg Episode 6 - Sightseeing in Tokyo Again Mari appears while you're passing out flyers for the upcoming live show. At first, it seems she's back in Tokyo to check out schools under the pretense of sightseeing, but soon it's clear she may have another reason.
7.jpg Episode 7 School Idols of Today You visit various schools with Mari to interview school idols. You find out about the role of school idols and their different circumstances, leading you to once again realize the weight of school idol activities.
8.jpg Episode 8 Real Intentions Mari's real intention was to gather information that would help Aqours grow. You head off with Mari to the final destination of her secret Tokyo sight-seeing trip.
9.jpg Episode 9 Surprise Live Show Mari visits Nijigasaki High School on open campus day to cheer on the School Idol Club members. Their live show is just about to begin!
10.png Episode 10 Talent and Desire Mari closes out her live show to raucous cheers and applause. The members of the school idol club are impressed by her performance and suggest she become a solo artist as well. Mari responds with...
11.jpg Episode 11 A Place to be Free You're visiting Aqours to see them practice. Seeing how Mari relaxes with her group during their break, you feel like there's a completely different air about her than when she was at Nijigasaki.
12.jpg Episode 12 Shining Memories After practice you spend some quality time with Mari, Kanan, and Dia, during which they share some of their memories as a three-person Aqours. It's then that you learn something unexpected...
13.jpg Episode 13 Aqours' Solo Activities Aqours is interested in doing their own solo live shows after watching a video of Nijigasaki's shows. You offer your assistance and the solo live show discussion moves right along, but someone is oddly quiet.
14.jpg Episode 14 Something Feels Off Aqours invited you to their school to help them compose songs for their solo live shows. Mari's in high spirits, but you can tell something's up with her... And you're not the only one.
15.jpg Episode 15 Pent-Up Concerns Mari is acting strangely. You are sure of this and decide to take the leap and ask her about what she's feeling. Mari sees how serious you are and begins to open up.
16.jpg 16話 私を無敵にしてくれるもの  ユニットライブの打ち合わせのため、浦女の部室に向かうあなたは、その途中で鞠莉の姿を見つける。楽しそうに鼻歌を歌う鞠莉。その理由は……