「黒澤ダイヤ/エピソード/EN/Episode 5 The Way You Want to Live」:修訂間差異

(建立內容為「{| class="wikitable" width="100%" !width=13%|Char||text |- |{{CHAICON|player}} Player||It's already evening. I should get going. |- |{{CHAICON|104}} Dia||Forgive…」的新頁面)

於 2021年7月10日 (六) 16:16 的修訂

Char text
player_c.png Player It's already evening. I should get going.
104_c.png Dia Forgive me for keeping you here so late. 1
player_c.png Player No, don't worry about it. I didn't expect to talk to you this much today, so I had fun.
104_c.png Dia *Giggle* I had fun, too. I am glad we talked. 2
104_c.png Dia Instead of sneaking around like a ghost, make sure you say hello next time. 3
player_c.png Player Oh, don't remind me about that.
player_c.png Player ...Dia?
104_c.png Dia Yes? 5
player_c.png Player Isn't it tough being a school idol, the student council president, and learning koto and flower arrangement all at once?
104_c.png Dia Tough, you ask? 6
player_c.png Player Yeah. I thought it was hard just being a school idol while trying to keep up with studies.
player_c.png Player When you go to school, you're doing school stuff most of the day. Then you have tests and homework, so you need to study after school.
player_c.png Player To use the time you have left to write music and make clothes and learn dancing...just seems really hard.
player_c.png Player Then on top of that you have student council and other lessons. You're a senior member of Aqours, so you have to take care of the younger members, too.
104_c.png Dia Are you saying you're worried about me? If so, then you have my thanks. 7
104_c.png Dia However, it is not necessary. It is hectic at times, but that's what I want. 8
104_c.png Dia Just because it is hard does not mean I'm going to run from it. Besides, working hard is better than lazing about for me. 9
player_c.png Player If that's how you feel, I have nothing to say. Just don't overdo it, okay?
104_c.png Dia Yes, I know. Knowing your limits is an important skill to have in life. 10
player_c.png Player You really are mature, Dia.
104_c.png Dia Of course I am. 11
player_c.png Player Dia, will you play your koto for me sometime? I only got to hear a little bit today.
104_c.png Dia Why of course. Prepare yourself to listen so that nothing bad happens. 12
player_c.png Player *Gulp* Okay...
104_c.png Dia *Giggle* 13
player_c.png Player Hey Dia, you have a concert coming up, right?
104_c.png Dia Yes. All of us are working very hard. 14
player_c.png Player I'm gonna go see you guys! Seeing you in student council or playing koto is great too...
player_c.png Player ...but the Dia I know is the Dia Kurosawa of Aqours.
104_c.png Dia Yes, I am proud to be a part of Aqours. I hope you are looking forward to the concert. We will make sure you have a blast. 15 +