
(建立內容為「{| class="wikitable" !{{member_story|206|1}} |Episode 1 Sleeping Beauty, Kanata |As usual, everyone's ready to start c…」的新頁面)

於 2021年5月27日 (四) 16:02 的修訂

1.jpg Episode 1 Sleeping Beauty, Kanata As usual, everyone's ready to start club practice, but where's Kanata? You go off searching for her and find her sleeping in the nurse's office.
2.jpg Episode 2 Kanata's Circumstance You head over to Kanata's class to make sure she gets to practice on time, but you can't find her. Where could she be?
3.jpg Episode 3 Little Sister, Big Love As you write lyrics during club, Kanata comes over to you. She tells you all about how much she loves her little sister, Haruka.
4.jpg Episode 4 Unexpected Talent Kanata approaches you in the cafeteria during lunch. She wants you to eat some of her lunch because she made too much.
5.jpg Episode 5 Hard-Working Sister Kanata falls into a deep sleep as soon as practice ends. Everyone's worried because she just won't wake up. You suddenly recall the reason Kanata explained to you as to why she's always sleepy.
6.jpg Episode 6 Kanata's Wish Kanata is excited to have everyone hear her wish at her solo event. What exactly is her wish?
7.jpg Episode 7 This Isn't a Dream, Right? Kanata is in a trance after her successful solo event. What is your reaction to seeing her think about what more she could do for her fans?
8.jpg Episode 8 A Bolt from the Blue! You and Ayumu are eating lunch in the courtyard to enjoy the nice weather when Kanata appears, hysteric, out of nowhere. You ask her what happened.
9.jpg Episode 9 Restless Nights Kanata is sad because she thinks Haruka doesn't like her. She's been too troubled about it to sleep at night. You stay behind with Kanata, who has fallen sound asleep in the club room, and ask her about Haruka on the walk home.
10.jpg Episode 10 Kanata's Feelings, Haruka's Feelings After asking Haruka how she really feels, you decide to call Kanata up to the roof and tell her the truth.
11.jpg Episode 11 More, More! Go All Out! Kanata is staying late after practice every day. She's bursting with motivation after learning Haruka's true feelings and makes a decision.
12.jpg Episode 12 Accept All of Me! Kanata puts all of her feelings into her song and finishes it the day before the live show. She's worried whether everyone will like it, but your support gives her confidence.
13.jpg Episode 13 Stronger Than Ever The live show was a huge success! Kanata is relieved that she was accepted for who she is. Then, she receives a message from Haruka.
14.jpg Episode 14 Kanata's on a Roll You tag along with Kanata and Haruka on their fishing trip. You decide to head over to Uchiura, where Chika and Kanan decide to join in too!
15.jpg Episode 15 Let's Go Fishing You tag along with Kanata and Haruka on their fishing trip. You decide to head over to Uchiura, where Chika and Kanan decide to join in too!
16.jpg Episode 16 Do You Wanna Make a Fan Club? Kanata is already in the clubroom when you drop by for lunch. Her delicious-looking boxed lunch is all handmade. What goodies are in it?
17.jpg Episode 17 Kanata's Sleepy Club Kanata had originally thought it was too much of a pain to make a fan club, but after hearing that her fans would be at her beck and call, she finally agreed to make one! What could she be planning to do with it?
18.jpg Episode 18 A Sleepy Success! One of the three things that Kanata wanted to do for her fan club was a sleepytime live stream! You wonder how it actually went.
19.jpg Episode 19 Kanata in Dreamland Kanata's live stream was a huge success. Whilst thinking about the next event, Kanata suddenly mentions performing a live show in a dream world. What would a dream world live show even entail?
20.jpg Episode 20 Floaty and Dreamy Kanata's come up with the idea of holding a fairy tale-themed live show set in her dreamland after she's fallen asleep. You and Kanata start discussing the song she'll perform there.
21.jpg Episode 21 My Own Playground Kanata has written some adorable lyrics harking back to fairy tales. Now that her vision for her live show is set, it's time for her to step up on the day of her fan club event!
22.jpg Episode 22 A Picnic for Just Us Two After her fan club events finish successfully, Kanata's struck anew by how glad she is that she made a fan club. One weekend after her events, she invites you to a park.
23.jpg Episode 23 Kanata, Female Ninjas, and Full Speed At the grand school event that is the Nijigasaki Film Festival, clubs hoping to win will screen their films. Each club has asked a School Idol Club member for promotion help. Kanata's helping the Manga Club!
24.jpg 24話 修行をはじめま〜す!  漫画研究部が作る映画は、疾走感のあるくノ一もの。いつもの彼方の雰囲気とは真逆だが、自分にプロモーションを託してくれたみんなの思いに応えたいと、彼方は修行をはじめることに……?