渡辺曜/エピソード/EN/Episode 7 Exploring Odaiba

於 2021年7月27日 (二) 02:04 由 Inamin留言 | 貢獻 所做的修訂 (建立內容為「{| class="wikitable" width="100%" !width=13%|Char||text |- |{{CHAICON|player}} Player||Oh, You! Over here! |- |{{CHAICON|105}} You||Heya! Long time no see! Huh? 1…」的新頁面)
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Char text
player_c.png Player Oh, You! Over here!
105_c.png You Heya! Long time no see! Huh? 1 +
201_c.png Ayumu Hello, You. 2
105_c.png You Ayumu! 3
player_c.png Player I bumped into her just now. She has plans to hang out in Odaiba today, too. Right, Ayumu?
201_c.png Ayumu That's right. You seemed to be getting restless as the weekend approached, but I didn't realize you had plans to hang out with You in Odaiba. 4
105_c.png You What a coincidence! Hey, Ayumu, you should hang out with us, too! It'll be three times more fun with you around! 5
201_c.png Ayumu Can I? I don't want to be a third wheel. 6
player_c.png Player You won't be. I'd be happy if you joined us, too.
201_c.png Ayumu Really? Then, can I tag along with you? 7
105_c.png You Yeah, let's go! Yay! Now today's gonna be even more fun. 8
Let's start exploring Odaiba.
player_c.png Player Yup! Let's start exploring Odaiba, then!
105_c.png You I want to ride on the Ferris wheel! I spotted it through the train window. 9
Where should we go first?
player_c.png Player Where should we go first? There are lots of different places we can hang out, but how about the Ferris wheel?
105_c.png You Yeah, I want to go for a ride! Will we be able to see all of Odaiba from the top? 10
201_c.png Ayumu With the clear weather today, I'm sure we'll be able to see out pretty far. 11
player_c.png Player Then that settles it! Our first stop will be the Ferris wheel!
105_c.png You Wooowww! What a view! I can see the ocean all the way out in the distance! Oh! There's a boat! 13
201_c.png Ayumu Tokyo Harbor is right there, so there are freighters and lots of other ships sailing around. 14
105_c.png You Oooh. Freighters are so cool! I'm gonna take some photos. 15 +
player_c.png Player Boats aren't the only thing that we can see. Look over there.
105_c.png You What's there? Oh! Is that building over there what I think it is? 17
player_c.png Player It's Nijigasaki High School!
105_c.png You Nijigasaki High School! I didn't know your school could be seen from so high up! I'll snap a shot of this for our memories, too! 18
player_c.png Player *Chuckle* The roles have switched this time.
201_c.png Ayumu This time? What do you mean? 19
player_c.png Player Last time, I went to Numazu and happened to bump into You, so she showed me around different places.
player_c.png Player We went up to the top of the View-O water gate where there was an amazing view! So I took a bunch of photos out of excitement.
201_c.png Ayumu You were alone with You, in Numazu? 20
player_c.png Player Yup, just the two of us. It was so much fun.
201_c.png Ayumu Is that so... 21
105_c.png You Oh! Here comes another boat! I'll zoom in on it to snap a picture... Aww, it's too blurry, I can't take a good photo! 22