渡辺曜/エピソード/EN/Episode 11 Let's Enjoy Yokohama

於 2021年7月27日 (二) 21:52 由 Inamin留言 | 貢獻 所做的修訂 (建立內容為「{| class="wikitable" width="100%" !width=13%|Char||text |- |{{CHAICON|player}} player||(It's been a while since I've come to Yokohama. I've been so busy with even…」的新頁面)
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Char text
player_c.png player (It's been a while since I've come to Yokohama. I've been so busy with event preparations and writing new songs, I haven't had the chance to get out much at all.)
player_c.png player (So I'm gonna play my heart out today and get back to work tomorrow!)
player_c.png player Now where should I go...
105_c.png You Guess who! 2
player_c.png player Waugh! Aagh! What's going on?! What's happening?! +
105_c.png You Whoa, whoa, whoa! Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you that badly! It's me! You Watanabe! 5 +
That voice...
player_c.png player Eek! Wh-Who's there?! Um... That voice sounds like... Maybe You? +
105_c.png You Ding ding ding! Correctamundo! I shoulda known you'd figure it out! 6
player_c.png player It's just you, huh... Man, you nearly gave me a heart attack!
105_c.png You *Giggle* Sorry. I spotted you at the station and came runnin'. 7 +
player_c.png player Man, you could've just called out for me or something... Anyway, what are you doing in Yokohama? Aqours doing a gig? Or you all just hanging out?
105_c.png You It's just me today. I've got a high-diving tournament coming up soon, so I came here to scope out the pool. 8
player_c.png player A tournament, huh? I nearly forgot you were an athlete! Are you on your way now?
105_c.png You Nope. I just finished and was headed back to the station. I figured it was a bit early to be going home, so I wanted to hang out around town. 9 +
player_c.png player I see. Yeah, I came to Yokohama for fun, myself. If you want, we can hang out together.
105_c.png You Would that be cool with you? 10
player_c.png player Of course. I just know having you around will make the whole day way more fun. So how about it?
105_c.png You Yeah, let's do this thing! Heehee. Actually, I'd already decided to hang out around here, but I couldn't decide where I wanted to go, so I'm glad we're doing this. 11 +
player_c.png player Hahaha, yeah, exactly. There's a ton of stuff to do here, so it's not always easy to pick.
player_c.png player I didn't have anywhere planned today either. I was just going to wander wherever I felt like going.
105_c.png You Hahaha! Wow, you too, huh? Who needs plans, am I right?! 12
player_c.png player Yeah, totally. Though actually, we do need some kinda plan, so let's figure out what we wanna do first.
105_c.png You Okay! 13 +
player_c.png player I'm just gonna search places to go in Yokohama, and... Hey, look at that! There's all sorts of stuff here. Gotta love city life.
105_c.png You *Giggle* 14 +
player_c.png player What's up? You see something that looks fun?
105_c.png You No, it's not that. I was just thinking that we've done this before. 15
player_c.png player We have?
105_c.png You Yup. When you came to Numazu, and when I went to Odaiba. We sat down and figured out where we wanted to go just like this. 16 +
player_c.png player Oh yeah. Come to think of it, I've gone all over the place with you, huh? I'm glad I can make memories like this with you in all sorts of places.
105_c.png You Yeah, me too! So let's make a bunch more today too! 17
player_c.png player You got it. Oh, hey, how's this for a first stop?