高海千歌/エピソード/EN/Episode 16 Assisting CYaRon!

於 2022年9月6日 (二) 22:01 由 Inamin留言 | 貢獻 所做的修訂 (Inamin移動頁面高海千歌/故事/EN/Episode 16 Assisting CYaRon!高海千歌/エピソード/EN/Episode 16 Assisting CYaRon!
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Char text
player_c.png Player Hello.
101_c.png Chika Welcome! You came after all! 2
player_c.png Player Of course I did! As if I wouldn't help you guys prepare for the CYaRon! live show!
105_c.png You Thanks. We could really use your help. 3
109_c.png Ruby Yeah! I'm so glad we can prepare for the live show with you! 4 +
player_c.png Player I just realized I've never actually seen a live show by an Aqours sub-unit before.
101_c.png Chika Now that you mention it, this is the first time our sub-unit is doing a live show since we met you, isn't it? 5
player_c.png Player Yeah. Though I have watched your videos.
I'm excited!
player_c.png Player That's why I'm super excited—both about watching my first CYaRon! live show in person, and about being able to help!
101_c.png Chika Yay! I'm happy to hear that. In that case, we're gonna have to make this the best performance ever! 6 +
I'm a bit nervous.
player_c.png Player That's why I'm excited, but also... I'm actually a bit nervous. It's making me remember the first time I helped the Nijigasaki girls put on their first live show.
101_c.png Chika I see. That's okay! You can lean on us just as much as we're leaning on you. Don't worry! 7
aqours_c.png Ruby, You Yeah! 8 +
player_c.png Player Everyone at Nijigasaki and in μ's has said they're looking forward to it. They're all going to come see the live show, too!
109_c.png Ruby Really? I hope I can see them, too. Oh, but will there be any time for us to talk? 9
105_c.png You I think things will be hectic before the live show, but we can probably chat with them afterward. 10
101_c.png Chika I know! Let's have an after-party with everyone! I read online that there's a really famous French restaurant near the live show venue! 11
105_c.png You Is that the one you were saying had some number of stars or something? 12
109_c.png Ruby I thought we looked at the prices on the menu and agreed that we couldn't afford it. 13
101_c.png Chika But we've made our first sub-unit live show in forever a big success, so nothing's impossible for us! 14
105_c.png You Chika, we haven't even started preparing for the show yet! 15 +
player_c.png Player *Chuckle* Do you want me to find a restaurant that'd be suitable for your after-party?
101_c.png Chika You'd do that?! 16
101_c.png Chika Actually, maybe I should find the perfect restaurant myself. I'm pretty sure there must be some other amazing restaurants... 17 +
player_c.png Player I-It'll be fine! This is one of the ways I can help! Let me look for one. This way I'll be helping the others, too!
105_c.png You Okay, I'll leave it to you! 18
109_c.png Ruby Please just pick a place that we can all afford! 19
player_c.png Player Roger that!
101_c.png Chika Okay, then I'll accept your help in finding a restaurant. Now let's start planning our live show! 20
105_c.png You What songs should we sing? Should we write new songs? Or sing the songs we already have? It's hard to decide because CYaRon! has way more songs now. 21
109_c.png Ruby Is it better to think about our costumes after we've decided what songs we're singing? I did bring a few designs I had on file just in case. 22
player_c.png Player It looks like there's a lot that needs to be decided. I'll do what I can!
101_c.png Chika Thanks! We're counting on you! 23 +