黒澤ダイヤ/エピソード/EN/Episode 10 Where I Want to Go with You

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Char text
player_c.png Player *Siiigh*
205_c.png Ai Great work up there! You've got some pipes, kid! 1
104_c.png Dia I agree. You were quite stunning up there. 2
player_c.png Player You're kidding. I was so nervous, I could barely squeak the words out! Not to mention, I was out of tune, and my face was frozen stiff. You don't have to be nice about it.
104_c.png Dia That's not true at all. You sang perfectly well. 3
205_c.png Ai Yeah, what she said! Oh my gosh, you could even be a school idol, too! You've got way too much talent to just be hiding backstage all the time! 4
104_c.png Dia That's a wonderful idea! I would love to hear you sing for us again once you've had some time to prepare. Today was rather impromptu, after all. 5
player_c.png Player I-I can't! There's no way!
205_c.png Ai Aww, c'mon, don't be like that! 6
205_c.png Ai Hm? I just got a text. Hold on a sec. 8
player_c.png Player Yeah.
205_c.png Ai Hmm, let's see... Whoa, seriously?! 10
104_c.png Dia Did something happen? 11
205_c.png Ai Just got asked to go pick up some ingredients for the shop 'cause we're running out! They're apparently too full up to go get it themselves. 12
player_c.png Player The shop? Oh, right! Your family runs a monjayaki place.
104_c.png Dia In that case, you ought to pick those ingredients up right away! 13
205_c.png Ai Y-Yeah, right. Well... Sorry guys! 14
player_c.png Player It's no biggie, seriously. Thank you for today!
104_c.png Dia Yes, it was a lot of fun. I would love to see more of Tokyo with you sometime. 15
205_c.png Ai You got it! Later, dudes! 16
104_c.png Dia Off she goes. 18
player_c.png Player Yup. I sure hope she can make it in time... Oh, who am I kidding? This is Ai we're talking about.
player_c.png Player So what should we do now? We can keep wandering around this area, go back to Harajuku, or go somewhere else.
player_c.png Player Is there anywhere you'd like to go, Dia?
104_c.png Dia Me? 19
player_c.png Player Yeah. I mean, we're already out on the town, so if you have someplace you wanna go, just say the word!
player_c.png Player We can stay downtown or go a little further out. Just not too far.
104_c.png Dia Will you be showing me the way? 20
player_c.png Player Mm-hmm. I mean, I won't be nearly as good of a guide as Ai, but you know.
104_c.png Dia No, just having you with me is extremely reassuring. I've been to Tokyo plenty of times before, but I've always felt rather helpless on my own. 21 +
104_c.png Dia If you'll be my guide, then I do have somewhere I'd like to go with you. Is that all right? 22