国木田花丸/エピソード/EN/Episode 4 Battle Against Modernity

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Char text
109_c.png Ruby Hello, Hanamaru! 1
player_c.png Player Mind if we come in?
107_c.png Hanamaru Welcome! Please, come right in, zura. 2
player_c.png Player The air seems so clear here. I wonder if it's because this is a temple. Temples and shrines always have a holy air about them.
109_c.png Ruby The first time I came here, I naturally started to act like my best self. 3
107_c.png Hanamaru Thanks for coming guys. Here, have some tea. 4
player_c.png Player Thank you.
109_c.png Ruby Thanks. Mm, so warm and relaxing. 5
107_c.png Hanamaru *Giggle* I have some sweet buns and crackers, too! Help yourselves, zura! 7
player_c.png Player Those look great! But, hey, before that...
107_c.png Hanamaru *Munch* What? 8
player_c.png Player Your cheeks are like a hamster's... E-Er, scratch that. Anyway, there's something you need to do for the library anthology. It's...
107_c.png Hanamaru Get my brush and paper ready, zura! 9
109_c.png Ruby A brush and paper? Won't the ink run? 10
player_c.png Player Nope! You have to learn how to use a computer!
107_c.png Hanamaru Zura?! 11 +
109_c.png Ruby I can't believe they only accept word files for entries. 12
player_c.png Player You can set it up to look like writing paper, so I guess you weren't completely wrong.
107_c.png Hanamaru Why... Why can't I just use paper, zura?! All the old greats splashed their ideas onto paper with old-fashioned ink! 13
player_c.png Player Writing is just more convenient on a computer. Retyping it would just make more work.
107_c.png Hanamaru Ugh... Even still, my house doesn't have any of that futuristic stuff, zura. I've never even really used things like that. 14
player_c.png Player I know, which is why I brought a laptop. It's mine, but you can use it.
107_c.png Hanamaru Wh-What?! I couldn't accept something like this, zura. 15 +
player_c.png Player It's fine. I want to read your novel. Besides, this thing is years old, so don't worry about it.
109_c.png Ruby I'll help if I can, too! Let's do our Rubesty, Hanamaru! 16
107_c.png Hanamaru Ruby! Okay, I'll become a PC master, zura! 17
player_c.png Player The point isn't to master the computer, but to write a novel. Now, let's power this thing up. Do you know where the power button is?
107_c.png Hanamaru The power button. This one! 18
player_c.png Player That's the space bar.
107_c.png Hanamaru Zura?! 20
